Becoming a Member

AMELIA BAPTIST CHURCH is made up of members and regular attendees who love Christ and each other. We encourage all who are interested to come and be a part of our services, ministries, studies, and fellowships. Membership is not a necessity for participation in the ministries of the church.

We believe that church membership is meaningful. Each candidate for membership must attend our Discovery Class. During this time, we discuss salvation, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, our purpose and mission statements, our church covenant, our organization, and affiliations.

Members of AMELIA BAPTIST CHURCH must publicly profess a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and enter into a covenant with the church. A covenant is a promise made between two parties. In our church covenant, the new members promise to serve God faithfully and help AMELIA BAPTIST CHURCH be all that God intends. In return, AMELIA BAPTIST CHURCH promises to build up the new member and help him/her to grow as God intends. God desires that all people in His church grow in spiritual maturity and in service to Him. Our covenant serves as a tool to keep us accountable to God and to each other.

Qualified candidates for membership may be presented to the church by the pastor or another elder at any regular worship service in one of the following ways:

  • By profession of faith as a new believer, and baptized by immersion;
  • By the promise of letter from another Baptist church;
  • By statement of the person’s prior conversion experience through faith and baptism by immersion in a church of like faith.  (A church of like faith shall always be determined at the sole discretion of the Pastor and the Council of Elders.)

A person providentially hindered from attending worship services and the Discovery Class in person may request to be admitted to membership in absentia in any way the church accepts a candidate for membership after making an affirmation of faith in, and commitment to, Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Such persons will be recommended by the Council of Elders.

Persons who are physically unable to be baptized by immersion may be presented for membership upon recommendation of the Pastor and the Council of Elders.

Should there be any question that might require prayer, thought, or study, or if there is any dissent as to any candidate, such question or dissent shall be referred to the Council of Elders for review.

Whether you join by profession of faith, by letter or by statement you are invited to attend our Discovery Class, a prerequisite to membership. Please contact the church for dates and times when this class is offered.